Willamette Aviation News



April 2, 2021
We at Willamette Aviation are closely following events surrounding the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), along with others in the aviation community and people around the world. In our more than two decades of operation, our highest priority has always been the health and safety of our aviation community.
With the rollout of vaccinations over the past three months, and the issuance of CDC guidance, our COVID-19 protocols will adjust, starting on April 2, 2021.
· Fully vaccinated individuals are permitted to congregate with other fully vaccinated individuals in airplanes, flight simulators, classrooms, and briefing rooms without wearing masks or physical distancing.
· A fully vaccinated person is permitted to congregate in airplanes, flight simulators, classrooms, and briefing rooms with one unvaccinated person who is at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease, without wearing masks or physical distancing. If more than one unvaccinated person is present, all unvaccinated persons must be from the same household and at low risk. In all cases, unvaccinated persons should continue to wear masks and practice social distancing if any member(s) of their household are at risk for severe COVID-19 disease.
· Customers will not be required to provide a proof of vaccination at the dispatch desk. However, we have empowered our flight instructors to request proof of vaccination before contact without masks. Please bring your vaccination card if your instructor requests to see it.
· Instructors are required to enforce Willamette Aviation and CDC guidelines. Instructors have the authority to require masks to be worn in all confined areas (aircraft and simulators) regardless of vaccination status. Instructors may also decide to limit instruction to customers who have been vaccinated (provided they are eligible for vaccination.)
While we are pleased to announce this loosening of restrictions, many rules will remain in place until we receive additional guidance:
· Two or more unvaccinated persons from separate households must wear masks in airplanes, flight simulators, classrooms, and briefing rooms.
· In public indoor spaces when unvaccinated persons from multiple households may be present (such as the pilots' lounge, our auditorium, and any other gathering space), all persons are required to wear masks and maintain a six-foot distance from each other at all times.
· Use of masks outdoors is optional, provided that all persons maintain a six-foot distance from each other at all times. If any outdoor activity requires unvaccinated persons to be within six feet of each other, they are required to wear masks.
We also continue to practice extreme vigilance with all health symptoms:
· All visitors' temperatures will be checked when they arrive at the dispatch desk.
· Pilots flying with CFIs are expected to exhibit no fever, shortness of breath, or dry cough.
We want to thank our flight community for their cooperation over this past year. Because of everyone's participation, we have been able to continue flight training and ground schools without any reported transmission of coronavirus on our campus.
We strongly recommend that members of our flight community become vaccinated against COVID-19. Please refer to this page on the CDC website for more information on our updated protocols.


David F. Waggoner
Willamette Aviation
(503) 678-2252